Wednesday, May 7, 2014


We did it! We did 5 kilometers! Saturday May 3rd was the very first May Day 5K and you made it happen! The folks who came out and signed up the day of, the folks who came to volunteer, Black Eagle for making the sweet shirts, Cult for making us such amazing pizza, the IWW organizers for sharing the story of May Day and the Haymarket Massacre, the dog who ran with its human. If you haven’t already checked it out, we have posted photos from the event.

The IWW brought letter writing supplies and many folks were able to make drawings and write letters of support to Felix, who is in jail until the 11th.

A big thanks needs to go out to the MI CATS who came out to represent and get folks excited about their work. It’s great to see people who've never heard of tar sands before, get together with people who've never run a race before. Also, through your donations we were able to raise $560 to give to the MI CATS legal defense fund.

Follow the CATS on Facebook:
And you can read more on their website, where you can also make a donation:

Stay in touch with the May Day 5k on FB and here on the site
Especially if you're interested in getting involved for May Day 5k 2015!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Race Day!


SHOW UP: 10:30am
AT: the North end of Riverside Park, on Monroe. (which is under construction, you have to come at the park from the north)
TO: Sign in, Register, make your donation, collect your runner's packet and shirt. Sign the giant check to the MI CATS

STARTING GUN: 11:00am the race starts! rain or shine!

CVLT PIZZA: arrives at 1:00 pm for all who cross the finish line!

The IWW and the MICATS will be present to share info and hang out, these are amazing people and you should say hello and shake their hands.

Water available at the start/finish line.
It will probably be raining... so what? dress accordingly and have fun! get wet for a cause!

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible, including CVLT PIZZA, Black Eagle and the IWW.